Cater Business Park

Cater Business Park, South Bristol, was a founder member of Green Capital Partnserhip in 2007.
A former Bristol City Council scheme to regenerate a former run down Trading Estate, Cater Business Park is now an established Business Improvement District, with Mike Knight as the BID2 Scheme Manager giving continuity of support over the last twelve years.
Cater Business Park took the opportunity to work with Business West initiatives in the past, and below is a summary of green work to date:
- 2004 Waste Recycling Study undertaken by Future West Partnership to document waste streams generated on the Park and disposal arrangements which resulted in a weekly free collection of Paper, Cardboard, Cans and plastics.
- 2003-5 Phase 1 Green Planting undertaken on the Park – perennial planting to entrance Roundabout and signed as part of the “Bristol in Bloom” Scheme. Cuttings now taken annually to use at other neighbourhood locations. Hedging undertaken to selected Company Unit boundaries, now matured.
- 2007 Resource Efficiency Study on the Park funded by the Environment Agency and undertaken and Envolve. Aims :- i) Provide a Park wide Company Environmental Policy, ii) Simple pro forma to enable companies to gather and record resource usage, iii) Summary of findings, iv) Identify cost reduction opportunities. Phase 2 Hedging to central strip on the main Whitchurch Lane/ Hengrove Way, followed by an area of wild flower planting.
- 2008 Energy – Review of options with BCC
- 2009 Promoting Cycling – Cater Business Park Cycling Roadshow. Survey undertaken to ascertain cycle use on the Park.
- 2009 supported the Bristol City Council EU Green Capital Award BID, presented Park work on 23.3.09.
- 2013 IYRE “Go Green” Park Review Undertaken
Business type
- Manufacturing
- Other Professional & Business Services
- Construction & Property
- Retail & Wholesale
- Transport, Storage & Distribution