Centre for Sustainable Energy

We are a charity (298740) that helps people and organisations from the public, private and voluntary sectors meet the twin challenges of rising energy costs and climate change

We have a vision of a world where sustainability is second nature, carbon emissions have been cut to safe levels and fuel poverty has been replaced by energy justice.

Our mission is to share our knowledge and practical experience to empower people to change the way they think and act on energy.

We do this by giving advice, managing innovative energy projects, training others to act, and undertaking research and policy analysis.

If you’re after ideas about how to save money on your energy bills at home, stay warmer or generate your own renewable energy, our popular energy advice website is a good place to start: www.cse.org.uk/loveyourhome

At any one time we have between 50 and 60 different and separately-funded projects underway. All of these are helping people and communities to meet real needs for both environmentally sound and affordable energy services. Read about some of our best projects at www.cse.org.uk

During Bristol2015 we hope to help more people than ever have a warm, comfortable home with energy bills they can afford.

We’ve been around – and always in Bristol – since 1979.



3 St Peter's Court
Bedminster Parade


0117 934 1400

Business type

  • Energy