Walk: The Romantic Poets and Bristol
Coleridge and Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads was printed in Bristol, and Coleridge and Robert Southey gave a series of radical lectures across the city.
Bristol was also home to writers Hannah More and Ann Yearsley and scientists Humphry Davy and Thomas Beddoes. This tour, from Park Street to St Mary Redcliffe, will let you walk in the footsteps of those who made Bristol a significant part of the Romantic age. Learn where they lived, worked, visited, wrote poetry, gave lectures and what they argued and debated.
The walk will be led by Robin Jarvis, Professor of English Literature, University of the West of England. There is another walk starting at 15.00 on the same day (details of which are HERE).
It is supported by University of the West of England and Arts Council England.
There’s two walks : 11.00-12.30 and 15:00 – 16:30
How to book
Price: £7.00/ £6.00 – see Eventbrite links below. Numbers are strictly limited. Refunds are only available if the event is cancelled.
Event type
- Sightseeing & Tours
- Talks & Debates
- Outdoors & Nature
Event organiser
Festival of Ideas