Horfield & Lockleaze
‘Flagged Up’ by Deborah Weinreb.
‘Flagged Up’ is a visual route between Stoke Park and Horfield Common, designed to motivate people to get out and explore both of these wonderful green spaces. The images for the banners installed on lamp posts, have been produced through an exciting array of creative workshops held in different areas of Horfield and Lockleaze. Besides containing beautiful images, the banners also communicate good environmental messages, including thoughts on how we treat each other and how we promote a sense of community.
Deborah Weinreb (+D) has been a practicing artist for many years. She collaborates with people and places, to create outcomes that inspire, empower and engage audiences to feel more included and proactive in the places and issues that surround them.
It was genuine engagement with local communities. The outcome is visible, lasting, positive and gentle.
- Delivered 20 arts workshops for all ages in the community
- Directly engaged 360 people
- Banners have planning permission for 5 years, meaning that continued engagement of the project is approximately 2000 people
***NEWS UPDATE*** 15th October
Flagged Up has been Launched!
To keep in touch about any further developments, follow the Flagged Up Facebook page, and don’t forget to check out the pictures in the galleries at the bottom of this page here.
***NEWS UPDATE*** 22nd September
Join us for the launch event of the Flagged Up banners on Saturday 10th October. There will be a walking tour of the Flagged Up trail with artist Deborah Weinreb, and an opportunity to see more of the project at Groundworks.The banners will stay up for a minimum of six months.
More information about the launch is available on the event listing here, and you can down load the press release for the event
. We look forward to seeing you there!
***NEWS UPDATE*** 17th September
Now that all the workshops are complete, artist Deborah Weinreb has turned her attention to the designing of the banners. Please save the date 10th October 2015 when we hope to officially launch the Flagged Up route. Until then, check out the photo album below for a sneak preview of what the banners might look like…
***NEWS UPDATE*** 10th August
Check out all the great photos of the fab Flagged Up events at the bottom of the page.
***NEWS UPDATE*** 6th August
Three of Deborah’s brilliant workshops coming up soon!
***NEWS UPDATE*** 4th August
Get yourself along to one of Deborah’s arts workshops and be involved in Flagged up! There’s a whole range of things to choose from, all aimed at different ages and in venues across the two wards. Take a look at the flyer below to find out what’s happening when…
***NEWS UPDATE*** 16th July
So here’s some fun facts for you, to show you that Deborah is all about getting stuck in and engaged in the Horfield & Lockleaze area:
On 3rd July Deborah visited Horfield Young Peoples Club where young, and older people, got involved in printing and painting with some of the local plants, she also did some football photos with the young lads, they love playing out.
On 10th July Deborah visited the Horfield Common Barbecue where some lovely plant patterns were created using leaves and grasses collected from Stoke Park. Flagged Up is trying to make links between these two wonderful green spaces.
On 11th July Deborah invited felt artist Charlotte Humpston to run felt making workshops at Love Lockleaze Festival.
On 13th July Deborah visited the Toddler Group at the Ardagh HC where the little ones got messy with their carers printing leaves from the common, with the instruction that next time they were playing out they needed to try and find the plant belonging to the leaves they had been printing and painting with.
On 14th July Deborah was at the Orchard School fun day. This day was about thinking about our future. Deborah invited Sara Zaltash with her One Day:Day One green capital project for people to record their thoughts and dreams and Deborah had visitors writing and decorating positive messages for the world.
On the 25th July Deborah will be at Upper Horfield Community Trust Festival with more environmentally focused creative fun. Come along and see what is going on.
Not bad eh for an artist who’s been commissioned less than a month ago!?
Would your Horfield or Lockleaze group be up for a workshop? Or are you interested in joining one in your area? Get in touch via the Facebook Page or call 0117 379 0115.
***NEWS UPDATE*** 5th July
Deborah will be attending the Love Lockleaze Festival Saturday 11th July…
What will a neighbourhood arts project look like for Horfield & Lockleaze?
- The project has been shaped from what we heard from individual residents, community groups and local businesses.
What’s happened so far?
We’ve been consulting people living in the neighbourhood area to find out:
- what issues need addressing in terms of the green agenda
- particular areas that would be great to have an arts project
- specific community groups or members of the community an artist, maker or facilitator should work with – ie schools, unemployed or older people
How are we engaging with this area? Well, we’re…
- talking at the neighbourhood partnership and local forum meetings
- working closely with Bristol City Council’s Neighbourhood & Community Development teams
- meeting with community leaders, groups and individuals
- keeping busy on social media
- leaving flyers in community buildings
- we’ve also held a public consultation meeting on Weds 11th March at The Hub in Lockleaze.
What are the next steps?
- The artist/maker or facilitators brief will be publicised for 5 weeks. The commission will be for £10,000 which includes all project fees, materials & expenses, although volunteers may be provided to assist on the project. See the brief below:
“I’m a creative Bristolian and I’d like to get involved.”
- Watch out for further creative briefs on other areas
- Register your details with us
Want to know more? Feel you could volunteer?
Get in touch – nap@bristol2015.co.uk
Follow the neighbourhood arts project on Facebook