Wild Wonder takes over the Lab Space
Discover some Wild Wonder at the Bristol 2015 Lab Space on 26 and 27 September.

take a Wild Wonder photo safari around the Harbourside
Since childhood, Iain Green has been following his passion for the natural world.
A naturalist, writer, and photographer, he studied wild tigers in India before returning home to show off the often overlooked wildlife on our doorsteps.
Through Wild Wonder, Iain now runs workshops and courses for schools and adults, encouraging people to explore their environment and take pictures of the wildlife around them.
Taking a wildlife safari even within the school grounds, pupils can spot spectacular wildflower displays, experienced the awe and colour of kingfishers, or explore the seasonal wonder of trees.

he studied wild tigers in India before returning home to show off the often overlooked wildlife on our doorsteps
Iain has recently been working with Bristol primary schools, and the children have busy exploring, photographing, and studying these and more wild wonders on their doorsteps.
The result of these workshops is an inspiring portrait of local wild wonder, featuring pictures taken by the children, which will be on display in the Bristol 2015 Lab Space on 26 and 27 September.
The exhibition will be open to the public so that visitors can enjoy the children’s beautiful images of nature, learn about the wildlife of Bristol, and even join a Wild Wonder photo safari around the Harbourside.
Pupils from the participating schools will also be holding an Eco Summit to share their learning and hopes for the future.
See the Wild Wonder event listing here for more details.