It Doesn't Stop Here
Discover the stories of how our 2015 champions are moving forward into 2016.
As the city prepares for the formal handover ceremony to Slovenian capital, Ljubljana, on Tuesday 9 February, large billboard posters have been launched with the slogan ‘It doesn’t stop here’. The posters feature case studies from Bristol citizens pledging to continue their involvement in the year’s five key areas: transport, resources, energy, food and nature. These personal commitments to be more active, reduce waste, contribute towards a low carbon city, eat more sustainably and encourage a wildlife rich environment all represent small changes towards a happier and healthier city and their stories can be heard in the videos below. Or if you’d like to learn more about the organisations featured why not visit them on the links below:
Avon Wildlife Trust / My Wild Street | Sustrans | Cities to Sea / Refill Bristol | Easton Energy | 91 Ways
Members of the public are being asked to continue embracing the learnings and experience gained throughout 2015 and demonstrate what can be achieved if communities unite behind the common goal of a greener and more sustainable future.
The green-thinking Bristolians will join community leaders, grant recipients, local children and businesses at the official Green Capital closing ceremony this Friday (5 February) at Colston Hall to consider what happens next.
The campaign is intended to remind people of the 2015 achievements in numbers with 50,000 making small changes for a better Bristol, 30,000 local children already inspired by the schools programme (which continues for another two years) and 1,000 local businesses pledging to go green.
Plans for a permanent exhibition at the M Shed about the Bristol’s Green Capital year are being developed. Due to be launched this summer, more details will be revealed within the next few months. The exhibition is expected to capture many 2015 highlights, including some of the 200 green projects made possible by the largest environmental fund of its kind, an engaging education programme which is now available across the UK, a simple behavioural change campaign called #Do15 which attracted celebrity endorsement, and the year’s high-profile international activity on climate action.
Andrew Garrad, Chair of Bristol 2015, said: “As we hand over the European Green Capital baton to Ljubljana, I am taking the opportunity to reflect upon the year. There have been many diverse activities, from our presence at the UN climate change summit in Paris to witnessing the changes that individuals have made through their businesses or everyday lives. I have been particularly inspired by the schools programme – people in 149 countries are now playing our ‘game with a purpose’ Sustainable Shaun.
“Tens of thousands of people have pledged to carry forward the ideas and ambitions generated over the past 12 months. I hope that this new awareness campaign will keep sustainable issues firmly in the public’s mind so we can continue working to establish a happier, healthier city.”