Take the Bristol 2015 Challenge
Bristol 2015 is designed to challenge and inspire the whole city. Many of us have never considered how we can become more green. Or we have concerns about the difficulty of making changes. Or we simply don’t know what impact our actions make.
Bristol’s year as European Green Capital is an opportunity to change this. We’re going to be following a group of Bristolians as they explore everything Bristol 2015 has to offer and make decisions on how they can help shape the future of our city.
If you’re someone who has never considered getting on your bike, shopping locally, growing your own, or saving energy, but you’re ready to take on a challenge, we want to hear from you.
We’ll follow you as you explore what opportunities, advice and practical help the city has to offer people who want to be part of a happier, healthier Bristol. And see what impact your actions have on your life and community.
Ready to take on the Bristol 2015 challenge? Email volunteers@bristol2015.co.uk