Bristol Fairtrade

Bristol Fairtrade Network is a voluntary group of individuals, businesses and NGOs who aim to increase the use and awareness of Fairtrade in the city of Bristol. Bristol became a Fairtrade City in 2005, so 2015 is our 10th Anniversary as a Fairtrade City, one of only 5 cities in the world to hold Fairtrade status continually for this duration.
Retrieving Go Green status
In a recent survey, 88% of local people said it was very important or quite important that Bristol is a Fairtrade City (440 people surveyed between June and Oct 2014 across the city) – Jenny Foster
Fairtrade guarantees a fair and living wage for small scale farmers in developing countries, as well as a social premium to benefit the wider community, to be spent on healthcare, education, clean water and more. Fairtrade standards also guarantee environmental protection of local ecosystems and rainforests, as well as strict controls on waste, carbon emissions and water use. Farmers in developing countries are suffering the effects of climate change now, and Fairtrade helps them adapt through training, diversification, renewable energy use and improving irrigation. Fairtrade is an excellent anti-poverty tool as well as supporting sustainable farming methods across the globe.
Fairtrade has a particular significance for Bristol due to our slave trade history; being a leading Fairtrade city is an important demonstration of our complete change of focus to be a fair and ethical city, as well as a leading proponent of Good Food. We do all we can to promote fair and local providers, with many partners and organisations across the city. Most Fairtrade goods cannot be produced locally, so we are reliant on farmers in developing countries for some of our favourite products such as bananas, coffee, tea, cocoa and cotton. There are now over 4,500 Fairtrade products with the Fairtrade Mark.
Bristol Fairtrade has a team of volunteer Fairtrade Ambassadors who speak in schools and to businesses and community groups. We host the annual regional Fairtrade Business Awards, to encourage local businesses to use more Fairtrade products and promote those that do; any business that uses Fairtrade can enter and demonstrate that their business is fair and ethical. Full details of this and other activities are on our website: www.bristolfairtrade.org.uk
Making a Difference to a Greener Bristol
Bristol Fairtrade is a member of the Green Capital Partnership, and has a Sustainability Policy to ensure the organisation and all suppliers and partners meet high standards on all aspects of sustainability. Bristol Fairtrade holds a number of high profile events in Fairtrade Fortnight and Big Green Week, as well as regular campaigns, and this year is proud to be hosting the International Fair Trade Towns Conference on the theme ‘Fairtrade For Sustainability’.
Bristol Fairtrade Network is open to all. To join or to volunteer at events email bristolfairtradenetwork@gmail.com
Smeaton Road
Business type
- Consultancy
- Public & Voluntary Services
- Other
See also