Volunteer Programme
It doesn’t stop here! Bristol was famous for its community activism and volunteering heart long before 2015 and just because the Green Capital year is over doesn’t mean any of that will stop.
During Bristol’s year as European Green Capital hundreds of organisations and thousands of volunteers across the city worked on projects to improve your green spaces, share green energy, get us all healthier using public or active transport and help us all to understand how our own personal action can make a cumulative difference.
As part of the Bristol 2015 legacy many of the projects started in 2015 will go on for many years, and much of that work will be done by volunteers. The free Team Bristol website is part of this legacy and will continue to help the volunteer community connect with new volunteers and share its opportunities.
For Volunteers
The website hosts over 100 Bristol based organisations that are looking for help with their missions. These organisations cover a wide range of sectors and communities, not only green but health, art and education too. Volunteers can register on the site for regular updates of exciting new opportunities, or they can search the site and click ‘apply’ on any role. You can sign up to our monthly newsletter which shares new roles and news and join our Facebook and Twitter pages.
For Business
The website has information for corporate business on how to run a successful internal volunteer programme and how to carry out successful corporate volunteering days in the community. It has a list of organisations ready and able to host corporate volunteering days of varying sizes and a signpost to other services that provide support.
For Community
The website also has information about recruitment, retention and appreciation of volunteers and resources to support you whether you are working with vulnerable or diverse volunteers. Charitable organisations can register and post their volunteer role descriptions on the website.
Thank you to everyone for all the hard work and time you contributed to making change happen during Bristol’s year as European Green Capital. Take a look at the video below to see how some people took action in 2015.