Do15 Creative Outreach
Young Bristol’s Creative Programme has been commissioned by Bristol Green Capital to become the #Do15 Creative Outreach Team. The project is an initiative to engage local communities with the Green Capital Award, getting people activated to make green changes by making their #Do15 pledge and making the European Green Capital Award more visible within the communities around Bristol.

The #Do15 campaign is to encourage the whole of Bristol to pledge their support for the European Green Capital year by doing something differently to live more sustainably, such as walking to the local shops instead of driving.
The #Do15 Creative Outreach Team consists of youth workers from Young Bristol’s Creative Programme who specialise in Art and Design workshop delivery. The team attended 20 community events and also ran creative outreach projects for each of Bristol’s 14 Neighbourhood Partnership areas.
Click on your Neighbourhood Partnership area on the left hand side to find the team at an event near you

At the community events they had a #Do15 stall where members of the public could find out more about the projects and also make a personal #Do15 pledge. They were also invited to transfer their pledge onto a piece of fabric bunting and then onto a puzzle piece.
The bunting is called In It Together Bunting and has been sewn together to create an enormous ream made of contributions city wide. The puzzle is a large circle of the ‘In It For Good’ logo that consists of 15 pieces, one per Neighbourhood Partnership area and another for the City Centre. These will be exhibited at the end of the year and participants will be invited to come and find their artwork.
The #Do15 Creative Outreach Team used information passed on to them by the Neighbourhood Arts Programme Team through their extensive consultation with communities. They have also liaised with Bristol City Council Neighbourhood Officers, local businesses and community groups, and visited Neighbourhood Partnership forum meetings to ensure that the creative projects they run are needed in the area.
The aim was to bring people together to help improve indentified spaces through the creative projects.
If you’d like to know more about the Creative Outreach activities that are taking place near you, please email: Do15@youngbristol.com.

Create your own flying starling
Download this template and join us on Saturday 17th October on Durdham Downs. We are leading the procession to the Bristol Murmuration project of 1000 cermaic starlings.
murmuration worksheet.pdf
For more information about the project click here