Bristol to begin Green Capital year with high wire spectacle

Bristol will mark the start of its year in the spotlight as European Green Capital in spectacular style, with a daring high wire stunt and opening ceremony on Saturday, 24th January.

Bridging the Gap spectacle to kick of Bristol's Green Capital year
Led by Bristol-based Cirque Bijou, ‘Bridging the Gap’ will see world-famous tight wire artist Jade Kindar-Martin cycle across a 120 metre long high wire, set between two landmark buildings in the Hotwells area of the city. 

To add to the spectacle, Hollywood stuntwoman Karine Mauffrey will perform a dramatic aerial trapeze routine suspended beneath the bicycle, as the artists undertake the daring duo stunt, 27 metres above the ground.  

The event will open with a light projection show using the warehouse buildings as a canvas, accompanied by a musical score specially composed by Dom Coyote. 

As part of winning the European Green Capital award, cities agree to hold an opening ceremony to mark the beginning of the year. 

Set against the backdrop of the city, the piece, entitled ‘Bridging the Gap’, will symbolise the difference between our green intentions and our actions – and the bridge that we all need to cross to start living more sustainably. 

The spectacle is intended to showcase Bristol’s unique spirit and personality, and provide an opportunity for the general public to get involved.

The outdoor event is open to the public free of charge and will take place at 7pm on Saturday 24th January.

The artists’ journey will start at A Bond warehouse on Smeaton Road in Hotwells, finishing at the B Bond warehouse, also known as the CREATE centre. 

Recommended vantage points include Greville Smyth Park, Ashton Road and the Cumberland Basin, Hotwells.

The following roads will be closed to cars from 6 – 8pm:

–    Cumberland Road (from its junction with Avon Crescent to Smeaton Road)
–    Brunswick Place
–    Ashton Avenue
–    Brunel Lock Road
–    McAdam Way
–    Smeaton Road
–    Brunel Lock Road slip 

PLEASE NOTE: Parking will be extremely limited, so we’re encouraging people to use public transport or walk to the event.

The car park at the CREATE centre will be closed. The car park underneath the Cumberland Road will also be inaccessible, due to road closures and VIP parking.

The Chocolate Path along the river will be accessible for cyclists, and there will be space to lock up bikes.

Buses and ferries in the area will also run as normal.

The show is expected to last approximately 15 minutes. 

Download a site plan here:

Site plan – BGC15 – A B Bond event – v2 – A3.pdf

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