It Doesn't Stop Here: Resources

The iconic Bristol Whales, displayed in Millennium Square in the summer of 2015, now have a permanent home at Bennett's Patch Nature Reserve. This art project highlighted the threat of plastic pollution in the world's oceans and Bristol 2015-funded organisations continue the fight to reduce plastic use, litter and waste.



“We’re working with Bristol Water in 2016 to continue the work we started.” Natalie Fee, founder of City to Sea.

So what’s happening?

The Ape Project  offers peddle-powered art workshops and environmentally led play for children and young people. They also run a Children’s Bike Exchange where good condition bikes can be swapped for free or at a low cost.

Litterarti create works of art from rubbish to raise awareness and foster change around how we deal with waste disposal and recycling. You’ll often see them at  public events around the city doing weird and fabulous things with our rubbish.

The Repair Café  is relatively new on the scene and offers free meeting places where people can swap skills, repair things, and learn to ‘upcycle’ or recycle clothes and household items over a cuppa and a chat. 
The Bristol Maker Lab has its roots in the Eagle House Pop-Up Furniture Factory which made nearly 500 pieces of ‘upcycled’ wooden furniture in a training and employment scheme for Knowle West residents last year. It now accepts commissions and projects varying from furniture making to signage, installations and exhibitions, to projects teaching digital manufacturing techniques to local schoolchildren. 

Switch The Stick is the latest plastic litter campaign from Bristol community interest group City To Sea. Their aim is to stem the vast numbers of plastic cotton bud sticks flushed regularly from the city’s sewer system into local rivers and waterways. It follows their successful Refill Bristol campaign last year, which established a network of free drinking water stations for anyone with a reusable water bottle. 

Go to the Bristol 2015 directory to discover other Bristol organisations working to reduce waste.