Introducing the Cleanweb: where cleantech meets the web
As part of the European Green Capital’s International Greentech Festival and BBC’s Digital Bristol Week, Bristol 2015 brought together some of the region’s most interesting and innovative cleanweb tech projects.
The aim was to showcase some of the South West’s most exciting and inspiring examples of where clean technology meets the web as part of a series of events that will help Cleanweb technology flourish in the region.
Speakers included:
Lyndsey Knight, Communications Manager, Food Trade
– FoodTrade uses the internet to connect people and suppliers around food. They make it easy to find, sell, buy and grow local food, worldwide.
Anthony Turner, CEO, Carbon Visuals
– Carbon Visuals is dedicated to helping everyone around the world make more sense of the invisible. They use images, films, animations and interactive web tools provide a fresh and visual communications approach.
Roger Hey, Future Networks Manager, Western Power Distribution (SoLa Bristol Project)
– SoLa Bristol is an innovative trial project involving 30 Homes, five schools and an office, that links Solar PV installations to battery storage and a variable Tariff. This will could potentially provide energy and financial savings to customers along with network support for the distribution company (WPD).
Professor Dimitra Simeonidou, Chief Technology Officer, Bristol is Open
– Bristol Is Open is a joint venture between the University of Bristol and Bristol City Council. Using newly established fast wifi and sensor networks, Bristol Is Open will run a series of collaborative projects to explore how to make Bristol a smart city.
The presentations were followed by an insightful panel discussion and time for drinks and networking.
The event was a great success. In the first week all 50 places were booked and we had a waiting list of 40. With such demand, we’re now thinking about what future Cleanweb events we could run, perhaps with a sector-specific focus on energy, food, transport, resources or nature. Anyone interested in this space should keep an eye on the Green Capital Digital Challenge and Venturefest in June.
Bristol 2015 supported event
Temple Meads
Event type
- Workshops & Education
- Business
- Technology
Event organiser
Bristol 2015