Open call for Bristol artists and creatives

The Bristol 2015 Neighbourhood Arts team welcome responses to 6 creative briefs. The deadline for proposals is 9am, 2 April 2015.

Photo: Paul Box
Since September 2014, our neighbourhood arts team have been consulting residents and community groups in 6 of the 14 neighbourhood partnership areas of Bristol, to find out what a local art project might look like.

We’re now delighted to put out a call for proposals and responses from Bristol artists, makers and creatives, to briefs in the following areas:

Like Bristol neighbourhoods, the briefs are exciting and diverse. They range from taking a creative look at antisocial waste in Ashley, Easton & Lawrence Hill, to creating a new Green Trail for Bishopston, Cotham & Redland, to getting people engaged and active in nature on the Dundry Slopes.

The commissions are for £10,000 in total which includes fees, materials and expenses.

Want to know more?

Drop in to our Creative Brainstorm session on Sat 7th March to talk to the the neighbourhood arts team, advisors for the areas and of course other creatives.

What about the other 8 neighbourhood areas?

Consultation is continuing in those areas. Thoughts about projects, green issues and/or where to work can be submitted via our online form or you can attend a public meeting in each area this March.

Click on the links below to find out more.


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